

Maureen Young BComm, is an Idealist (she comes up with ideas and usually has an insane number of lists on the go). A University of Alberta alumni, she majored in marketing and joined Reaper Enterprises in 2011 and helps clients with their websites, user experience and marketing. 

Her first venture into the world of website design was in 1999, in the days of Tripod and Geocities so she learned HTML. Passionate about the user experience and making the online world a prettier place, she also loves social media but never uses her personal Facebook. A Google geek, don't ask her what she thinks about the iPhone or iPad and definitely not about Microsoft products and software.

(Yes, she's also married to Nicholas so she works with her husband. And yes, working with him works.)

You can follow Maureen on Twitter or LinkedIn (again, she doesn't use her personal Facebook!)